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squeaky clean

12 Feb

A new blog is always intimidating. Clean white page staring you in the face. Erm, what do I write?

Well first off, let me just say I’m a bit obsessed with food right now. Everyone (at least that I know) has some health related problem, I happened to be no different. Following in Sally Fallon and Weston Price’s foot prints, I’ve started changing how I eat in hopes that this would lead to a more healthy and happy life. I’m pretty happy to say that I’ve started seeing some amazing results in my overall health in the last couple of months and I’d like to be able to share what I’m learning and reading with the rest of the world.

In addition? Oh, don’t you worry. I will ramble on about a number of other unfoodish topics. These of course depend on what I run into as I go about my day.

And with that!

The End!