Tag Archives: breakfast

blend it.

15 May

I’ve been experimenting with different smoothie ingredient lately and this is my latest concoction:

I often use what’s left over in my frig for these little experiments, this morning it was fresh spinach, frozen berries, whey, yogurt, peanut butter and a splash of coconut milk!

Blend it.

And the finished product tastes…….!!! Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich :/  hmmmmm. Not a total FAIL but not a total win either. I liked it but it wasn’t to die for.

What is your favorite smoothie recipe?

breakfast of champions!

26 Feb

My favorite hot cereal from Bob’s Red Mills add to that, organic heavy whipping cream, organic butter and a drizzle of pure maple syrup and you have the breakfast of champions!!!

I only eat this many carbs by themselves if I’m going to be doing something crazy active (thus this being the breakfast of champions, only eat this when you’re going to be doing something active!)….which I will be doing in oh, less than a half hour. An hour of hard swimming should eat all those yummy carbs up! Plus I made sure to eat enough fat (hence the heavy cream and butter) to slow all those carbs down in my system).

Cold pool on a cloudy day, here I come!